Sunday, October 6, 2013

9 Year Old Boy Sneaks onto Plane

Without a ticket or a boarding pass, a 9 year old boy made it onto a flight in the Twin Cities headed towards Las Vegas.  To make it through security is one thing, but making it onto a plane without a boarding pass just seems crazy, and the fact a 9 year old boy did it, makes the story sound even stranger.  Without and parent or guardian with the boy, he made it onto the plane headed to Las Vegas.  It took fight attendance a while to finally figure out that the boy was alone and had no ticket.  Once they had made it to Nevada, flight attendants finally realized that the boy was not supposed to be on that flight.
Before 9/11, it would have been a lot easier to do so, but now 12 years later to do that is something completely different.  Many precautions had been taken since then to try and keep people safe.  All in all, mistakes are made and the 9 year old boy would not raise any suspicion to security.  Still, the boy was alone and had no pass and should have been stopped at some point along the way and not after the flight.
Delta, the airline responsible for the boy making it all the way to Nevada says that they are taking the incident very seriously and trying to figure out what went wrong.

One part that makes the story seem even more out of the ordinary is that the boy was recording at the airport the day before as well.  While there, it was said that he took random bags from the carousel and would take them into restraints at the airport and leave them.  This is very surprising because you would think a little boy walking around and airport all day would raise suspicions but evidently not.  Delta reports that the boy did make it on a fight back to the Twin Cities and the incident is still being investigated

Gates, Sara. "9-Year-Old Boy Sneaks Onto Plane Without Ticket At Minneapolis Airport, Flies To Las Vegas." The Huffington Post., 06 Oct. 2013. Web. 06 Oct. 2013.

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