Saturday, December 21, 2013

Harvard Bomb Hoax

Harvard is known for being one of the smartest and most prestigious schools in all throughout the United States.  On that note, there was a bomb threat by a student attending Harvard University at around 8:30 Monday morning, right as students were taking exams before heading off for a long Christmas break.  There are several theories yet to as why this student did so but authorities mainly suggest that the student’s main goal was to disrupt students taking exams.
Eldo Kim, a twenty year old student attending Harvard University clearly had things going for him; that is until he anonymously emailed Harvard campus police warning them of shrapnel bombs in four buildings.  The buildings were quickly evacuated just minutes after around 9 in the morning.  After learning that the whole thing was just a hoax, students were sent back to classes to resume taking their exams.  As for Kim, his plan of not taking the exams was successful because he will not be allowed back to the school or anywhere near the school anytime to soon.
Something like this doesn’t quite add up though; why would a student like Kim, who had the intelligence to attend Harvard, be so ignorant to think that he could get away with a bomb threat which put several hundreds of students’ lives at stake.  The best solution to the situation would have been to study for the exams that he knew he would have to take. There are still missing details to the case and Kim is sure be in a lot of trouble.  Luckily the whole thing was fake and there weren’t actually any bombs.  It was unlikely that a college student would have four bombs put into four different buildings around campus, but hey you would be surprised at what kinds of things 20 year old college students from Harvard do.
The judge ordered him to live with his uncle in North Carolina or his sister in the Boston area and told him to stay away from the school.  Kim was released earlier in the week on a 100,000 bond and faces up to five years in prison and up to $250,000 in charges.  In the end Kim got what he wanted, which was not to take the exams and even more good news for him, he won’t be taking any more exams at Harvard for as long as he lives.  Hopefully Kim doesn’t have any other brilliant ideas anytime too soon.

"Harvard Student Ordered." N.p., 17 Dec. 2013. Web. 20 Dec. 2013.

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