Thursday, March 13, 2014

Life Outside of Earth

The Milky Way-120,000 light years to travel its length and 12,000 light years from top to bottom.  The only know life in this galaxy is on planet earth.  For years, scientists, psychologists, astronomers, and many more have been debating over one crazy question: Does life exist outside of earth?

We are just a part of a one galaxy, which we have not been able to even come near to exploring the whole Milky Way.  Even in today’s world, with the booming technology and sophisticated machinery, we have not even made a dent in exploring the universe.  In 1969, the very first people made in onto the moon in mission Apollo 11.  Since then, we have made lots of progress technologically, but making it 300,000 miles to the moon is nothing compared to the 40 million miles it takes to get to mars.  Mars is currently the best hope that NASA has of finding life on another planet, because it is one of the closet planets to earth that we have not discovered yet.

Recently, there has been a large debate of a meteor, which supposedly hit planet earth in the Stone Age.  The meteor is said to be full of carbon, and have similar marks on it that microorganisms from earth make while eating through rocks.  Scientists are also saying that they believe that water, a common necessity for life, was covering the surface of mars, hundreds of thousands of years ago in the form of oceans, rivers, and streams, like on earth.  This discovery does not only suggest that there has been life on mars, but comes back to show that life in another galaxy is a reality.

We live in one galaxy, which we don’t even know if life exists on, or has existed on.  NASA has estimated that there are hundreds of millions of galaxies in the universe which never really ends.  If there exists life on our galaxy, the Milky Way, chances are that life exists on others as well.  Life doesn’t mean people who look like us, or even aliens.  It would be extremely fascinating if there was even an organism out there, even the size of bacteria.

Think about it, billions upon billions of galaxies in the universe, more than we can even fathom, odds are that life exists in several hundreds, if not thousands, or maybe even millions of galaxies.  It really is crazy to think about, another being, besides yourself, living out, billions upon billions of light years away from you, thinking about if life exists on another planet, or if they are just alone as well.  They says the sky is the limit, but I say there is no limit.


Gannon, Megan. "'Tunnels' and 'spheres' in Meteorite Revive Debate over Life on Mars." Fox News. FOX News Network, 03 Mar. 2014. Web. 13 Mar. 2014.



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