A charter bus with 48 people on board, 44 of which who were
high school students, was involved in a fatal accident in California on Friday
afternoon. A FedEx merged into the other
lane with oncoming traffic on interstate 5 in California when it collided with
a charter bus with going down the opposite way.
Upon collision, there was a huge flame as the two vehicles collided. In total,
there were 1o people killed in the accident, and investigators are still trying
to figure out exactly what went wrong for the FedEx driver.
We have seen it in several tragic cases before, someone
falling asleep at the wheel and merging into the oncoming lane or traffic and
hitting another vehicle, but never are two large vehicles involved in the same
crash. There are other possibilities
that may arise as causes of the accident, but the driver falling asleep is the
most realistic right now because there was no attempt for the FedEx driver to
avoid the collision, according to several spectators. The spectators said that they saw the FedEx
vehicle cross the grassy median and into the other fast lane of traffic. However, one spectator said she thought she
saw flames coming from under the FedEx truck before it crossed over the median,
while the other spectator said they did not see any flames. However, the bus driver was extremely alert
because there was about 150 feet of break marks on the interstate from the bus
driver trying to stop and avoid the crash before in happened.
Investigators will continue to look into the stage case,
closely inspecting any little detail that they think will help them come to a
conclusion as to what left 10 people dead in the accident Friday afternoon. The death toll includes the two still
unidentified drivers, 5 students, and 3 adult chaperones that were on the trip
as well.
Megerian, Chris. "Bus Crash: Report of Fire in FedEx Truck,
No Skid Marks Add to Mystery." Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles
Times, 13 Apr. 2014. Web. 13 Apr. 2014.
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