Sunday, October 13, 2013

Woman has Meltdown on Plane:

On a recent American Airlines flight to Tampa, a woman passenger has an extreme meltdown while approaching their destination on Friday.  The woman, who is still unnamed at this point, began screaming uncontrollably on the flight and wouldn’t seem to quit.  Before she started screaming, passengers say she was walking down the aisles asking people to pray for her mother who had passed away recently for an unknown reason.  Footage taken on the plane shows the woman screaming “God, you’re my savior” for 20 minutes strait, which sounds like a horror film.
While she was screaming uncontrollably on the flight, many people try to calm her down.  At one point the passenger next to her try’s to calm her down and she says “don’t f****** touch me”.  This could have potentially been a big problem for the crew members because they would have had to calm her down and the other passengers, but luckily the other passengers were nothing but annoyed with the woman.  The crew members tried multiple times to get the woman to try and calm down and many passengers were helping as well.
This situation seems very odd and it doesn’t seem like pilots and flight attendants would be trained to handle a situation like this, so it leaves the question, “what do you do?”.
The best things to do would be to remain calm yourself, as well as to talk in a calm voice the whole time.  Also, be alert at all times and don’t let the person make any dumb moves like go toward the emergency door.  Even getting the passengers to help like the crew did was a good idea.  All together, the flight crew still did a good job in helping the woman and keeping the passengers calm as well.

There is a chance that the woman could be charged for violation of federal regulation for having her phone out while they were on their final decent.  She also could be changed with interference with the fight crew as well.

Gorman, Ryan. "'God You're My Savior, God You're My Savior'!' Woman Has 20 Minute Religious Meltdown on Flight to Tampa." Mail Online. Ryan Gorman, 11 Oct. 2013. Web. 13 Oct. 2013.

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