Sunday, January 26, 2014

Terrorists Threaten Winter Olympics

The Olympics: a time where all the nations of the world can join together in peace and compete in a variety of sporting events-or not so much, as far as peace goes.  With the Winter Olympics just around the corner, there have been some complications.  The American and European teams traveling to Sochi, Russia have received emailed threats from supposed terrorists.  The terrorists suggested that they would impose “strikes” on the athletes and their supporters if they participate in the 2014 Winter Olympics.
Upon receiving these threats about the upcoming Olympic Games, the National Olympics Committee became mildly concerned regarding the safety of the athletes and spectators of the games.  The committee began to think that the imposed threats were phony, after further investigation.  They finally came to be almost certain that the threats were lacking credibility, and not real.  Authorities believe this to be true because the emailed threat was made somewhere outside Russia, and the person making the threats, has made additional threats in the past-but has never come through.
Although the supposed threat was proved to be fake, many people began to worry about the threats.  People began to “roar in fear” at the imposed threats, believing that in fact-they might actually be real and everyone would be in danger.  Because of the mass panic in Russia, an army of 40,000 men was deployed everywhere the Olympic Games would be taking place.  They have told people to look for a particular woman, whom they have a vivid description of.  They believe the woman could be a potential suicide bomber, just to be cautious.  Three suicide bombings have occurred in the last 3 months, killing 34 people in all.  These suicide bombers have imposed threats via a video on the internet, stating that they will attack again during the Olympics.
The White House has agreed to supply full assistance in security during the games in Russia.  The USA even had a meeting lately, and they stated that they would be sharing their bomb detecting equipment at the games, to protect anyone who may be a victim from potential harm.  With just about 2 weeks until the games begin in Russia on February 2nd, it’s a race against time to take all safety precautions necessary to prevent any disasters from occurring.

Carol J. Williams January 22. "Terrorist Threat to Olympics Called Hoax, Still Adds to Sochi Tension." Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, 22 Jan. 2014. Web. 22 Jan. 2014.

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